Spectacular display of pure lyrical beauty
GROZA started the Balkans Tour „STORM OVER BALKANS” on 2 December in Budapest, positioning Zagreb as a second concert destination. We were all very excited and eager to see Groza live as it was a perfect occasion to round up what has been a very good concert year in Zagreb! Turn-out to the concert was excellent and the venue was packed with a very eager audience. Excitement, anticipation and joy could be felt in the air. For some it was the biggest and more important event than Christmas.
Support band for tonight was: ISOLERT, Black Metal band from Greece which was formed in 2015. Their performance was uplifting, dynamic and solid. They provided a very good warm up and heated up the atmosphere for the main treat of the evening. They ended the concert with the beautiful „World In Ruins“- give it a listen if you haven’t so far!

Lyrical (definition: expressing the artist’s emotions in an imaginative and beautiful way (literature, art or music))
The magnificent „The Redemptive End“ is a genius presentation of pure lyrical beauty and excellent example of power of music that enables us to not only hear and whiteness, but also deeply feel what is redemption and comfort within a very dark and cruel world. It was beautiful to hear it live as the song has a very powerful and deep meaning and beautifly presents what it is that makes us really love certain songs. One of the hardest things in life is letting go and finding strength to carry on with life after some brutal losses. This song empowers the listeners in a very beautiful way, as I find the most precious thing in the universe is finding glimpses of light in very dark places. Even the lirics state: „sends a shiver down my spine“ and that effect never fails and is always present everytime I hear that song.
After seeing Groza at Metaldays in Slovenia with an excellent performance, yesterday’s concert proved to be even better as the cosy and more intimate atmosphere of a local club pushed the band closer to the audience. The overall feedback from the audience was great and the band was welcomed extremely wormly. It was great seeing Groza play for their fans at a smaller venue that enables more interaction from the band members towards the audience and vice versa.

Apart from „The Redemptive End“, other highlights of the concert were „Elegance of Irony“ and „Homewards“. It’s impossible to state all other songs in order of being favourite or a bit less favourite as each song sounded perfect and powerful live. The other factor is that the album „The Redemptive End“ has a rare quality which is visible in every single song, so it’s not an album of one or two hits but each song has a potential to be pickout as a favourite by different fans.
A very pleasant surprise was also a great lightshow as the band left nothing to chance and carried their own equipment, so it was an overall extremely enjoyable experience.
Yesterday’s concert will be remembered as one of top five concerts this year, as it was a cut-throat competition. But to be more precise, if I list the bands in order of how much I love their sound and not judge out of respect for their influence: Groza held one of the top 3 best concerts in Zagreb this year.