Weather cleared out just in time for KATAKLYSM!


At some rare occasions I manage to fall in Love once again, after I thought it wasn’t possible any more. This year the honor goes out to HEAVEN SHALL BURN, as their performance struck me and made me fall in love with their entire opus. A special treat from the band was a powerful cover of Blind Guardian’s “Valhalla” which left no one indifferent; the band had one of the most beautiful feedbacks from the audience of the day!

KATAKLYSM won my heart completely and were the biggest delight and stars of the day. Kataklysm became one of the most significant representatives of extreme/melodic death metal in the world. They have released 15 albums so far, and came to present the last one: “GOLIATH”. Indeed, from the first listen, it’s visible that the band stayed unconquered and compromised throughout all these years!

The setlist was perfect and the most beautiful and total highlight of the concert was the performance of “The Black Sheep” which was magnificent and pure beauty in essence! As a conclusion I can only say: perfect, explosive and heartwarming! 

The band is known for a very friendly and close relationship with their audience, which was visible throughout the concert as several band members greeted the fans in the front rows and slapped all the hands that reached out to them! Complete chaos was orchestrated during the performance of “As I Slither” as the whole audience was invited to enter a photo pit and clap Maurizio Iacono’s hand as well to greet other band members. It was one of the most beautiful moments of the whole festival and a beautiful sight to see! As Maurizio announced, it was a real stress test for security, but all went well and why wouldn’t it? We already know there’s no better audience than metalheads!

PARADISE LOST is one of the most influential bands that performed today and not only considering their musical influence, but also a long-standing army of fans and impact of the lyrics and messages they transfer which is astonishing and mesmerizing! Paradise Lost is an English gothic metal band that formed 35 years ago in Halifax, considered to be among the pioneers of the death-doom genre and regarded as the main influence for the later gothic metal movement. Paradise Lost gave a professional and very touching performance as it was a pure pleasure to see the legends live, finally.

Foreseen bands for Main stage B were: BEARTOOTH, ABBATH, BLEED FROM WITHIN, GATECREEPER and IGNEA. Fusion stage featured: MASS HYSTERIA, CRYPTOSIS, STILLBIRTH, CATHAGODS, HATS BARN and INFINITAS. Biggest surprise from Fusion stage I wasn’t expecting was: Infinitas, so I suggest you give them a chance and listen to the band!

BLEED FROM WITHIN, a Scottish heavy metal band from Glasgow, formed in 2005 were a real refreshment. I adore their hit that has already turned into a modern masterpiece: “The End Of All We Know”. Their performance was completely in line with expectations and some more.

 ABBATH are legends of their own and no words about the band are necessary as you already know the story and legends behind the band! Their performance was fired up and gathered the forces from the darkest parts from the woods! Some fans went directly back to drinking as this was the absolute highlight of the day no one will overthrow. 

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