This is our first „He said, she said review”, so let’s hear what


„I would move to Ireland just because of this kind of music!“


She, naturally; being a woman; said: that couldn’t possibly be enough!! Although she knew that he clearly stated all that was needed to be said in those few words, she got irritated, as she wouldn’t admit defeat at the cost of her own life; if it got that far. She wouldn’t admit that she was wrong when she previously assumed: he couldn’t possibly be a better writer that she was.  

It’s true what he said, as The Rumjacks won our hearts as they are a subject of our perpetual astonishment: they possess the magic to turn endless sorrow and bitter moments of life into melodies that flow, fill our hearts with joy, comfort, acceptance and power to fight thought another day filled with life’s challenges! That way I love and adore Ireland, would also love to move there or at least have a very prolonged visit, as that kind of mentality is inspiring and admirable!

It’s a known fact that Irish-Croatian love is an ongoing practice, as we even witnessed Croatian and Irish football fans drinking and singing together instead of fighting (source: “Euro Cup 2016 Croatian Fans Singing with Irish Fans”). Irish music and especially celtic punk possess so much power, uplifting tunes and lyrics that it even manages to unite complete opposite sides!

Before The Rumjacks, fierce local punk rockers OSA (One Step Away) performed and they were the perfect prelude into a treat of the evening. The highlight of their performance was the song “Nitko i Ništa” which fired up the audience and really lifted the spirits of everyone present!

Celtic punk legends The Rumjacks have returned to Zagreb after four years and left as pleasantly astonished once again! The Rumjacks were formed in 2008 in Sydney and their youthful and explosive energy was visible throughout the entire concert! So far, they have released five studio albums, two live albums and three EPs, and have promoted the most current album “Hestia” from 2021 on this occasion.

The Rumjacks are well known for their explosive, fierce and cheerful live performances. They have proved that they possess an endless source of pure energy, as I was watching my friends leave the premises one by one- to go outside and catch some fresh air. The atmosphere in the venue became steaming hot and the singer perfectly concluded:

“So, this is why it’s called a Swamp!”

Yes, it was insanely hot and I was watching all-around to see when any alligators or iguanas will start crawling the walls! That was the first time I thought I might start seeing hallucinations from the heat! But the band endured the impossible heat wave and gave us a show and a party to remember!

I usually point out highlights of the concert, and of course: “An Irish Pub Song” caused complete chaos and was one of the climaxes of the concert; but the absolute peak for me was the magnificent masterpiece “The Pot & Kettle”. But then again, one of the highlights was also “A Fistful O’ Roses” and dozens of others and this was one of the rare occasions at witch highlights of the concert were not clearly visible! All the songs perfectly blended and flowed in one masterful and explosive performance that left us felt amazed and struck by the amount of energy these Irish lads have!!

We love KLUB MOČVARA very much, as once again: it was very easy meeting some of the band members and having a drink with them after the concert! I suppose Močvara has a unique atmosphere that makes bands feel like they are at home and are more willing to socialise with the fans after the concert!

To conclude: it was steaming hot, explosive and the most positive experience we had in years!!

Written by: Božidar Tunjić and Kristina Hećimović

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