
Raising Hell on a Hell of a summer day!

DEFIANT (Black/Death Metal; Croatia), which was formed in 2005, presents its blackened death metal in its pure essence, in the atmosphere and legacy of bands such as Behemoth, Vader, Hate, Decapitated and other. Their sound is both dark in atmosphere and aggressive and fast paced in all the crucial moments with very strong member base, combining four very unique musicians with special emphasis on charismatic and youthful energy of the vocalist to all other band members. Hopefully we will see the band many more times on numerous gigs!

MALEDICTION (Death Metal; Hungary) presented their version of how death metal combined with technical elements and pure brutality should sound like. Pure brutality of their audio-visual attack will be remembered for our further festivals we plan on visiting in Hungary in the future!

DICKLESS TRACY (Death Metal/Grindcore; Slovenia) haven’t offered a dickless Tracy, which wasn’t all entirely unexpected; but instead they offered version of music with balls! This death metal/grindcore band sure has offered a very strong and firm interpretation of “hell on Earth” which is even more impressive taking into consideration the band is a trio that delivers a very strong audio-visual attack to all senses that you have left after all this heat, bands and steaming hot atmosphere of Heretic Feast!!

GORE THROWER (Death Metal; Hungary) presented their black and gore vision of pure old school death metal and their brutal and relentless riffs and vocal growls woke up the audience and made everyone come and check them up.

ATTITUDES TO HUMAN EXTINCTION (Death Metal; Croatia) delivered exactly what we hoped for. A well-known band in these areas once again proved their status. The band formed 2018 in Koprivnica, Croatia creates in order to document the erosion of society which is evident at every footstep we take, but somehow the human race still hasn’t reached the point of self-destruction although all of humanity is hanging a cliff for a ling time. Strong bass line, soul crushing riffs and growls leave you feeling like a baby reindeer in front of huge truck lights. To put it shortly: great and brilliant!

INFERNAL TENEBRA (Melodic Death Metal; Croatia), as a known institution of Croatian extreme metal music for the past 24 years presented their vision off death metal highly influenced by melodic and complex riffs as the band switched from symphonic black metal to melodic death metal, so all styles remained intertwined in the ideas and deliverance of specific songs. Their performance was in line with our expectations and many experiences we had before.

NAURRAKAR (Black Metal; Czech Republic) are the ones that won our hearts over as their gig was on fire, pure explosive energy. The band possess the energy, determination and stamina need to make instant fans, even on this kind of shorter performances; on festivals. The band showed that they are willing to die on stage if necessary as they had a turbulent travel but decided to perform with gas masks on and blew our minds as it was horrifically hot and our hearts belong to the band for eternity! Their performance was raw, explosive and intense! The band formed 17 years ago represents the true spirit of black metal and atmosphere and audio descriptions of evil, just as we like it. The gas masks are highly appropriate as the band deals with themes such as war, nuclear apocalypse; but also: satanism, misanthropy, hatred and all we have it this corrupted world today. Conclusion: we feel in love and it it will last forever or at least until the extermination of human race.

SRD (Black Metal; Slovenia) is a band we had many occasions to see before at numerous festivals and interestingly enough the band identifies as a black metal/black’n’roll band. Their gig was in line with all others we attended as their presented their interpretation of pure black metal with a dark and slightly threatening atmosphere of evil rolling in the back of every song!

Note: all photos from a private arhive.

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