The Nasty Abyss collective once again rides the apocalyptic crow this year and presents to you:
ABIGAIL (Tokyo, Japan)
When we’ve already done Evil and Sabbat, it’s time to do Abigail too! The band, founded in 1992 in Tokyo, call themselves “the meanest band in Japan”, while Yasuyuki Suzuki calls their musical style “street metal”. Who is this Yasuyuki Suzuki you ask? No, it’s not about the brand of Japanese chasers, but the trash par excellence behind the backbone of Black/Thrash/MetalPunk bands like Barbatos, Tiger Junkies, Cut Throat, Bitcheater and many others. Abigail is one of the most cult Japanese extreme metal bands and gained notoriety on the global underground metalpunk scene. Lots of releases, splits, live shows, compilations and singles. Their muse is a mixture of black and thrash with influences of speed metal and punk, and the lyrics deal with topics such as satanism, violence and heavy metal cults. A real treat for all lovers of dirty old school!
FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100045182750927
Bandcamp: https://nuclearwarnowproductions.bandcamp.com/…/the…
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LovUYBddko
PERPETUAL WARFARE (Bogota, Colombia)
Formed in 2006 in Bogota, they are one of the most famous and active Colombian underground metal bands. They play old school thrash metal influenced by bands from the 80s like Exodus and Kreator. Fast rhythms, solos, arrangement, then a few slow parts, then again the thump thump and scrims. Lyrics about society, violence, wars, moshing… you could say a classic thrash metal spike!
FB: https://www.facebook.com/perpetualwarfareband
Bandcamp: https://perpetualwarfare.bandcamp.com/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzFLdIsMFv4
Black Mass was formed in 2012 in the underground of Boston and consists of three abrasive thrashers who like their metal blacker and dirtier, similar to the earlier German thrash wave, avoiding any crossover jokes and progressive jokes. For fans of Kreator, Sodom, Skeletonwitch, Toxic Holocaust and the like, this garbage will be a hit!
FB: https://www.facebook.com/BlackMassBand
Bandcamp: https://blackmassband.bandcamp.com/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUiT0KnknTY
The gig will be held at SUROGAT, Pierottijeva 11 and the ticket price will be 20 Euros. No pre-sale. Entry for teams under 18 is free, as always, at our events.