This will be the first time in Zagreb for At the Gates, and the supporting bands are:
Nifelheim and
Deserted Fear.
At the Gates were founded in 1990, in Gothenburg. They are considered as one of the pioneers of the Gothenburg melodic death metal sound, alongside In Flames and Dark Tranquillity. The band released 4 albums, some of which are nowadays considered classics of the genre, until the break up in 1996. The band was inactive for 11 years, until reuniting in 2007 for a reunion tour in 2008, after which the band broke up once again. In 2010, the band was back on track and they released two more albums: “At War with Reality” in 2014 and “To Drink from the Night Itself” in 2018.
Nifelheim is a black/thrash metal band from Sweden, which nowadays enjoys a cult status among the metal fans. The band was founded in 1990 by twin brothers Per and Erik Gustavsson and to date they have released 4 albums, 2 EPs and 3 Split releases. The band’s connection to At the Gates, except for the founding year, is the fact that At the Gates drummer Adrian Erlandsson (also a drummer of many other bands such as Cradle of Filth, Paradise Lost and The Haunted, to name a few) was once a drummer of Nifelheim as well.
Deserted Fear is a death metal band from Germany. The band was founded in 2007 and to date they have released 4 albums and an EP. The band maintained a pretty much constant three-member line-up throughout the years and they’ve proven to be a very capable live act in the past.
With such package, there can be no mistake. So join us on the cold December night in Tvornica and drink from the night itself!